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How to Get Rid of Baby Bald Spots

Posted by Danni Tan

Ok sure, it’s a first world problem, but you can’t help but notice that your bundle of joy is perfect in every way apart from that ugly baby bald spot on the back of their head! If you’re worried about your baby losing hair, don’t fret - it’s very common for babies and infants to experience temporary hair loss and develop bald patches due to friction. The American Academy of Pediatrics, as well as other child health organisations around the world recommend that babies always sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Since babies spend a lot of time on their backs, they are constantly rubbing the backs of their heads against their mattresses, resulting in their fine hair being tugged and eventually pulled out.

In order to prevent and get rid of baby bald patches, make sure your little angel is sleeping on silk bedding. The liquid smooth finish of silk provides an incredibly soft and frictionless surface for babies to lie on, preventing bald patches, as well as allowing for hair growth where bald spots already exist. Cotton, bamboo and other fabrics can tug and pull on delicate baby hair, but the long strands and tightly woven nature of premium silk creates a smooth surface that allows bub’s hair to glide effortlessly and unharmed.

While some people may be tempted to use satin as a cheaper alternative, bear in mind that satin is a synthetic and inferior fabric. Apart from being luxurious, silk is also naturally hydrating, thermal regulating, hypoallergenic, moisture wicking and antimicrobial, making it ideal for bubs and their sensitive skin.

As well as having your baby sleep on silk, you can also help to prevent newborn hair loss by slightly adjusting your baby’s head during their sleep. By alternating their head's position, you’re ensuring that there isn’t too much friction and pressure on one area of their head, which helps to prevent not only bald patches, but also flat spots.

If your baby tends to face a specific side when lying their crib, try alternating the end of the crib that you place their head on when laying them down. Many babies like to look out into the room where the action is, so by switching up their crib positioning, you're also reducing the amount of time they spend lying on one particular side of their head.

Once your baby is able to hold their head up, you’ll be able to get them off their back for tummy time and also make use of baby carriers and slings. Minimising the amount of time that bub lies on their back will not only prevent hair loss, but is also essential to their overall healthy development.

You may find that your baby is losing hair for hormonal reasons, which is completely normal in the first 6 months and also temporary (this is called telogen effluvium for you technically minded readers). Hair goes through a growth phase and a resting phase, but after childbirth, hormone levels drop (for both mum and bub), and this stress pushes large numbers of hair follicles into the resting phase, causing them to fall out within a few months.

Other conditions, such as cradle cap, alopecia or hypothyroidism could also be the cause of baby hair falling out, however these are very uncommon. More often than not, baby balding is the result of friction or hormone fluctuations, but if you’re concerned, mention your baby’s hair loss to their doctor so that they can check whether there's an underlying cause requiring treatment.

Designed exclusively for babies, for preventing bald patches and allowing hair growth, these Sleepy Silk products are all made from grade 6A and 25 momme 100% Mulberry silk and have been tested and certified under OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 to be non-toxic and free from harmful dyes and chemicals.

1. Silk Sleeve for Cots / Cribs - Simply slip this one size fits all sleeve onto your baby's crib mattress, fastening the adjustable zips if required for a snug fit. Bub's hair will now glide effortlessly on sumptuous silk, and you can say bye-bye to bald patches and baby hair loss for good!

Sleepy Silk, Silk Sleeve for Cots / Cribs - Dove Crosses Grey (SS-CS-GR01) for baby hair loss and baby bald spots, Silky Tots Silk Cot Slip, Pawda Baby 100% Mulberry Silk Cot Semi Sheet, Monday Silks, Baby Tresses Cot Bed Sheet

Silk Cot / Crib Sleeve by Sleepy Silk

2. Silk Sleeve for Bassinets – Our clever silk sleeve made specifically for bassinets. Features our patented design with stretch polyester backing and zips, allowing you to adjust the size of your sleeve to fit any bassinet mattress without having any slack fabric that bub can pull loose.

Sleepy Silk, Silk Sleeve for Bassinets - Blush Pink (SS-BS-PK00) for baby hair loss and baby bald spots, Silky Tots Silk Bassinet Slip, Pawda Baby 100% Mulberry Silk Semi Sheet for Bassinet, Monday Silks, Baby Tresses Cot Bed Sheet

Silk Bassinet Sleeve by Sleepy Silk

3. Silk Fitted Sheet for Cots / Cribs - Naturally hydrating and dust mite resistant, this silk fitted sheet is kind to your baby's skin and provides them with the perfect sleeping surface. With its outstanding breathability and hypoallergenic properties, silk reduces skin irritations and inflammations, so you can give bub a comfy and restful sleep every night.

Sleepy Silk, Silk Fitted Sheet for Cots / Cribs - Sky Blue (SS-FC-BL00) for baby hair loss and baby bald spots, Silky Tots 100% Silk Cot Sheet, Pawda Baby 100% Mulberry Silk Cot Full Fitted Sheet, Monday Silks, Baby Tresses Cot Bed Sheet

Silk Cot / Crib Fitted Sheet by Sleepy Silk

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